
Showing posts from October, 2011

contacting employers

In advising job seekers to contact potential employers, I do not mean to contact online, via email, or even by telephone.  Voice mail and email increasingly goes unanswered quickly, if ever.  You need to appear in person to arrange a meeting for any job that is one for which you intend to be interviewed.  At medium to large corporations it is likely you will be denied access to the hiring manager.  At smaller, local companies there is a possibility a meeting can be scheduled.  The best method to reach hiring managers in larger businesses is through a professional recruiter who has already made progress in building a relationship with department managers and/or human resources officers.

unposted job openings

As a recruiter, I have frequently taken urgent search assignments from clients and discovered that the positions are not posted on their website.  Think about it.  The company is willing to pay me a fee because it is a critical staff shortage.  This is an opportunity a candidate will only learn of by either being contacted by a recruiter or by contacting the company on their own.

Online job hunting

In your job quest, research companies of interest with posted job openings as well as companies you would like to approach even though they may have no openings posted.  As a recruiter, I have been hired to fill many positions that are never posted online or elsewhere.  This is one of the many advantages for candidates in aligning themselves with a reputable recruiter.  A reputable recruiter, in my opinion, does not ever charge a fee to the candidate.

More on finding a job

Nothing calms fear more effectively than taking action to resolve the problem:  in this case, finding a job.  Online research is necessary but primarily should be used as a tool to arm yourself with information about the company.